30% Federal Tax Credit – Extended Through 2032

On August 16, 2022, the federal government announced a new 30% tax credit for homeowners who install solar panels on their homes. This is great[…]

Boost Your Home Efficiency with a Blower Door Test

Think back to last winter. During frigid February days, did you ever notice drafts seeping in? If you did, your home is probably not as[…]

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Happy Birthday, Sun Solar! Our Sustainable Energy Success Story It’s been almost a decade since the solar industry started booming at a rapid pace across[…]

Severe Weather and Roof Repairs: What You Need to Know If You Have Solar Panels

Wind, snow, sleet, hail, tornadoes—the middle of the U.S. is all about varied weather. When warm and cold fronts converge, they bring on thunderous supercells[…]

5 Reasons Spring is the Best Time to Go Solar

Whether it’s in like a lamb or out like a lion, the early days of spring are greeted with cheers in the Midwest. During the[…]

Solar Batteries: A Quick Comparison Guide

Solar batteries are the perfect complement to any solar setup. While your solar energy system can help power your home during sunny days and even[…]

Good News About Going Solar in 2021: 26% Federal Tax Credit Extended!

First Things First: Why Go Solar? Solar popularity continues to surge more and more each year. In fact, in the U.S. alone, there are now[…]