Good News About Going Solar in 2021: 26% Federal Tax Credit Extended!

First Things First: Why Go Solar? Solar popularity continues to surge more and more each year. In fact, in the U.S. alone, there are now[…]

Is Solar Energy Too Good To Be True? Most Common Myths Debunked

You’ve heard the saying time and time again—if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. However, one concept that is proving to[…]

Why Should Businesses Switch to Solar?

As electricity prices have increased and the cost of going solar has simultaneously decreased, many U.S. businesses have begun making the switch to this renewable[…]

Top 4 Reasons To Go Solar In Fall

Summer is officially over and we’re heading into the crisp, cool days of fall. As temperatures begin to become milder, the upcoming months are typically[…]

Why Now Is the Time To Go Solar: 26% Federal Tax Credit Ending in 2020

First Things First: Why Go Solar? Currently in the U.S., there are approximately 1.5 million solar panels in use. The popularity of going solar continues[…]

History of Solar Energy

Understanding the History of Solar Panels  Solar energy is often looked at as a new, modern-day invention and some are skeptical of the longevity of[…]

Selecting the Right Company for Your Solar Energy Installation

No matter how much experience you have with DIY projects, installing your own solar panels is not nearly as simple as laying tile or repainting[…]

Questions to Ask Your Solar Installer

Homes and businesses across the nation are making the decision to use solar energy and turn sunshine into savings. For many, this decision is a[…]

5 Advantages of Solar Power in Missouri

When it comes to investing into your home, the one thing that all of us want to accomplish is maximizing the efficiency of our dollar.[…]

Solar Energy At Night? What Your System Does While You Sleep

You know solar panels convert sunlight into energy during the day, but does solar work at night? The quick and easy answer is no. Solar[…]