Solar Here, Solar There: 4 Places to Put Your Solar Energy Panels

The days of solar energy systems being solely on rooftops are over. Solar is popping up everywhere, even in Whole Foods parking lots and on[…]

3 Reasons To Choose A Solar Lease

When you’re making the switch to solar, you get to choose from dozens of options and customizations. Do you want to have a ground mount[…]

Fact vs. Fiction: Dispelling Your Solar Energy Myths

When you start researching solar, you may be overwhelmed by the amount of information that’s out there. There’s a never-ending supply of differing websites with[…]

Press Release: Local Solar Company Offers Rebates and American Made Panels to Customers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 3, 2019 Springfield, MO – Local solar company, Sun Solar, announces its official transition to American-made solar panels, which will lessen the impact[…]

How Does Winter Weather Impact My Solar Panel Production?

Brrr, do you feel that winter chill? For those of you with solar panels, the bitter cold of winter may leave you worrying about your[…]

Does the Cold Bother Solar Panels?

Solar Myths & Facts: Fall & Winter Edition Fuzzy  sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and swirling leaves mean dropping temperatures – but do they also mean[…]

Charlie O’Reilly Brings Solar Energy to Local Non-Profit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOctober 15, 2018 Charlie O’Reilly Brings Solar Energy to Local Non-Profit Springfield, MO – An ardent believer in solar energy, Charlie O’Reilly has partnered[…]

Why Do I Have an Electric Bill After Installing Solar Panels?

When you first bought your solar system, you were under the impression that your utility bill was gone for good. Then, out of the blue,[…]

How to Clean Your Solar Panels

Your brand-new panels glitter in the sunlight, sucking in every sunray so that your house can run on clean, renewable electricity. But won’t these pristine[…]

Businesses Go Solar – No Cash Down

Yes, Missouri Businesses – You CAN Go Solar with No Cash Up Front!  The Short & Sweet Guide to Commercial Solar Loans, Leases & P.P.A.s […]