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Reap the Benefits of Going Solar

Solar Benefits

Solar energy is clean, efficient, cost-effective and requires little maintenance. Of the dozens of benefits of going solar, we’ve featured a few for you here. Ready to enjoy the benefits of green living? Click here to see what solar could save you.
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  • A calendar icon made with thin, grey lines.

    Benefits from Day 1

    As soon as your panels are installed you will start seeing the benefits of solar energy -- no patience required.
  • Sun icon with rays coming out of it made of thin, grey lines.

    Energy Production

    Solar energy is always renewable and clean, powering your home without harming the planet.
  • An icon of a graph with an x and y axis and vertical lines coming from the x axis and an arrow extending horizontally towards the top.

    Fixed Utility Rates

    If someone were to offer you the opportunity to have your very own gas pump that gave you gas for $2.30/gallon for the next 25-years, would you take it? With solar, you have your very own power plant that will provide you with electricity at lower than market rates for years to come.
  • An grey icon of a stack of dollar bills.

    Pays for Itself

    Lowered energy bills make it so that your solar panels will pay for themselves and then some.
  • A grey icon of a coin purse with a coin above it.

    Increased Resale Value



    When the time comes to sell your home, solar systems can add thousands in value to your sale price. More at https://www.architecturaldigest.com/reviews/solar/do-solar-panels-increase-home-value
  • A grey icon of a calculator with receipt paper coming out of the top.

    Tax-Free Return on Investment

    Numerous tax initiatives allow you to pursue solar as a low-risk investment, paying itself off in no time.

Going solar with Sun Solar was absolutely the best thing we’ve ever done! We have already had a great return and it’s only been a few months. If you are thinking about going solar, make sure to give Sun Solar a call.

Angie Kronk, Eldon, MO
See How Much Solar Can Save You

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Interested in reaping the benefits of going solar? Use our Solar Savings calculator and get an instant estimate of your savings.

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